Wednesday, February 26, 2014


 I dislike shades. Would rather squint! haha. Best riding of the year this weekend. That's Mount Ascutney in the background. Renee and I rode from N. Springfield to Brownsville. The VAST trails are better than Vermont roads in the winter - the snowmobile infrastructure is better than our state road infrastructure. Hahaha!
 Don't lean on that snowmobile too hard, you never know what parts may fall off ye olde snow relic.
 i-phone takes dark photos when it's not that dark out. This view was amazing and brighter during Sunday's 55 mile ride in and near Barnard Vermont. Just imagine this picture if it was completely different and that's what it looked like on Sunday. So awesome.
Snowmobile stop atop a giant knoll in Pomfret, Vt. You could see the Mars Rover from up here!!

Sugaring Season starts next week!!
-Vermont Maid :)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Shredding Jay Peak last weekend

 View from our hotel room. We got a room looking up at the mountain and also right near the waterpark. The waterpark rules, but I suck at surfing!
Nevie, Renee, Spencer and an Alien from Outer Space at the top of Jay Peak with Big Jay in the background. I hiked Big Jay when I did all the 3000'ers in Vermont. This trip ruled, we love going to Jay Peak each winter. It made it even better that it snowed 6" during our stay so the ski conditions were outstanding. Robin and I must've taken over 30 snowboard park runs.