Monday, May 9, 2011


Danielle went to visit her best friend Jenny in Baltimore this past weekend, so Ma and I decided to go for some exploring adventure in the Berkshire Mountains. We went down to the most soutwestern part of Massachusetts. and the most northwestern part of Connecticut. We travelled to the village of Mount Washington, Massachusetts - which is at an elevation of about 1700' on a mountain plateau in the Taconic Mountain range. It was a beautiful, picturesque old New England area. We took Mount Washington road past Mount Everett (2624') and Mount Frissell (2454' at the summit - 2379' at the southern slope which is also the highest elevation in the state of Connecticut) Then we descended on Mount Riga road down into Salisbury Connecticut, and looped back up by Mount Race towards Great Barrington.
Also, we went to Bash-Bish Falls. This waterfall is spectacular and one of 4 waterfalls all within yards of each other. The Falls were over 60 feet tall and down in a super steep ravine along the brook. After hiking we went to Bub's BBQ in Sunderland Mass. which is part of our area's holy trinity of BBQ places: Curtis' BBQ in Putney, VT; Top Of The Hill Grill in Brattleboro; and Bubs. So delicious, oh man. It was a great day.


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